Accounts Inspection Commission
- The Accounts Inspection Commission is the commission that examines the financial affairs of the Chamber.
- It consists of at least three and at most seven members to be elected by the council members from among themselves.
- The Accounts Inspection Committee elects a Chairman and a Vice-President. In the absence of the President, the Commission is chaired by the President.
- The Speaker's Office of the Accounts Inspection Committee is made by the President or the Vice-President or a member. The Commission may seek the opinion of the Secretary General or service unit officials in its work.
- The Secretary General or service unit officials are obliged to assist the commission..
- To examine and present to the assembly the monthly trial balance, balance sheet, income and expenditure table and budget report, which are convened every month before the assembly meeting and referred to the Assembly for discussion by the Board of Directors,
- When deemed necessary, to control collections and expenditures and other accounting and transactions during meeting periods,
- Examining the budget draft referred by the speaker of the parliament within the period to be determined by the presidency of the parliament and presenting its opinion to the parliament in the form of a report,
- Examining the final account transferred by the Speaker of the Assembly, within the period to be determined by the Speaker of the Assembly, and presenting his opinion to the Assembly in the form of a report,