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AUTO SUPPLY INDUSTRY25.94.02 - Manufacture of connection materials, products made of iron, steel or copper (rivets, cotter pins, cotters, etcç)
BUILDING22.23.08 - Manufactoring of door and windows of plastic/PVC and there cases, ribs, door sills etc
BUILDING41.20.02 - Construction of buildings for residential purpose (detached dwellings, multiple family residence buildings, the construction of skyscrapers, etc.) (except for the construction of wooden buildings)
MACHINE METAL25.61.01 - Heat treatment and anodization of metals, hardening, varnishing, etc. Metallic plating (except tin and nickel plating) and plastics, teflon, etc. by surface treatment, electrolysis, galvanizing with zinc or chemical treatments. coating activity with non-m
TEXTILE22.19.09 - Manufacture of rubber conveyor belts and the conveyor belts
MACHINE METAL28.92.02 - Manufacture of bulldozers, graders, scrapers, flatteners, loaders, mechanical loaders, excavators, pile drivers, unloading machines, asphalt machines, concrete-laying machines, etc.
ELECTRIC, ELECTRONIC, ENERGY35.11.19 - Electric power generation
SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS15.20.17 - Manufacture of plastic or rubber shoes, boots, boots, postal, slippers, and so on. (textiles, excluding orthopedic shoes and ski boots)
SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS15.20.15 - Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)
MACHINE METAL28.99.90 - Manufacturing of the spesific purposed machines not classified in any other place
AUTO SUPPLY INDUSTRY30.91.01 - Manufacture of motorcycles, mopeds and motorized bicycles (bicycles with an auxiliary motor)
PLASTIC22.21.04 - Manufactoring of plastic intermediate product profil, stick, layer, signboard, block, film, tin foil, strip etc. (inclusive plastic awning)
MACHINE METAL25.62.02 - Machine processing of metals (milling, grating, varnishing, grooving, combining, welding, etc.) except laser-cutting metals)
FOREST PRODUCTS31.01.01 - Office, school, place of worship, hotel, restaurant, cinema, theater etc. manufacture of furniture for indoor areas (excluding those made of stone, concrete, ceramics) (cloakrooms, filing cabinets, altars, pulpits, lecterns, student desks, office chairs and armchairs, etc.)
FOREST PRODUCTS16.24.02 - Manufacturing of palette, box palette and other wooden loading trays
FOOD10.61.02 - Milling of cereals and flour production (corn flour, bran included, except rice flour)
AUTO SUPPLY INDUSTRY45.20.07 - General maintence and repairment services of motorized land vehicles
AUTO SUPPLY INDUSTRY45.20.06 - General maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (including the maintenance and repair of radiators , air conditioning and exhaust pipes, excluded those conducted in the same business and excluding the electrical system , tire and body repair services)
FOOD10.41.07 - Production of olive oil (pure, virgin and refined)
FOOD10.84.01 - Manufacture of spices (black pepper, red pepper, mustard, cinnamon, allspice, mastic gum, combinations of spices, etc.) (processed)
TEXTILE13.10.09 - Carding of synthetic or artificial absentee fiber
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