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TEXTILE13.92.06 - Manufacture of sacks, bags and similar products (to pack goods)
TEXTILE14.14.01 - Manufacture of clothing that can be worn under shirts, t-shirts, blouses, etc. (woven, knitted or crochet fabrics)
CHEMICAL13.30.01 - Bleaching and painting fabrics and textile products (clothing included)
PLASTIC22.22.43 - Manufacturing of plastic bag, trash bag, bag, sack, jug bag, net, packing case, box, safe custody, carboy, bottle, jerrycan, whip, spindle, spool, cap, tap, capsule etc. Packing material production ( inclusive bladder )
TEXTILE13.94.03 - Manufacturing twine, cordage, rope, cord, and the like (rubber or plastics, impregnated, coated ones)
TEXTILE13.30.02 - Bleaching and dyeing services of textile fibers and yarns (including bleaching)
BUILDING41.20.02 - Construction of buildings for residential purpose (detached dwellings, multiple family residence buildings, the construction of skyscrapers, etc.) (except for the construction of wooden buildings)
TEXTILE13.10.12 - Twisting and spinning of cotton fiber
MACHINE METAL28.93.06 - Manufacturing of machines used in milling industry for processing or grinding the grain and dried vegetables ( machines used for producing flour, middlings, and sieves, paddy peeling machine etc.)
FOOD10.82.05 - Manufacture of chewing gum (gum)
MACHINE METAL28.99.90 - Manufacturing of the spesific purposed machines not classified in any other place
FOOD10.71.02 - Production of bakery products (bread, plain pitta bread, bagel, etc. Except the production of pastry products)
MACHINE METAL25.62.03 - Cutting metals or writing on it by using laser rays
ELECTRIC, ELECTRONIC, ENERGY35.11.19 - Electric power generation
FOOD10.85.01 - Manufacture of prepared meals (vacuum-packed or protected ones) (restaurant and catering services)
RECYCLE38.11.01 - Collection of non-hazardous waste (trash, recyclable material, textile waste, etc.) (construction and demolishing waste,bushes, debris excluded)
PAPER PRODUCTS38.11.01 - Collection of non-hazardous waste (trash, recyclable material, textile waste, etc.) (construction and demolishing waste,bushes, debris excluded)
TEXTILE32.99.09 - Manufacturing of gas masks and protective purposed respiration equipment (excluding the curing ones
MACHINE METAL25.62.02 - Machine processing of metals (milling, grating, varnishing, grooving, combining, welding, etc.) except laser-cutting metals)
TEXTILE20.60.02 - Manufacture of synthetic filament yarn and synthetic monofilaments, strip and the like (including Polyamide and polyester high tenacity filament yarn) (twisted, textured floors and excluded)
MACHINE METAL28.92.11 - Manufacturing of the parts of drillinng, excavation machines, cages of cranes and moving conveyors, and parts of the machines that used in classifying, grinding, and mixing the materials like rock and etc.
FOOD10.91.01 - Manufacture of ready-made feed for farm animals
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