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FOOD10.31.02 - Potato chips, fries, cookies, potato flour and coarse flour manufacturing
FOOD82.92.01 - Packaging activities of non-hazardous goods (bottling of liquids and food, packaging of solid products, labeling, stamping, trademark printing, wrapping, etc. on a fee or contract basis)
HEALTH AND MEDICAL PRODUCTS82.92.01 - Packaging activities of non-hazardous goods (bottling of liquids and food, packaging of solid products, labeling, stamping, trademark printing, wrapping, etc. on a fee or contract basis)
TEXTILE13.93.01 - Manufacture of carpets (including tapestry) and rugs (mats, runners and other textile floor coverings included)
AUTO SUPPLY INDUSTRY29.31.05 - Manufacture of electrical equipment, such as electrical signaling equipment, horns , sirens , windscreen wipers, demisters , power windows / door systems, voltage regulators, and so on for motor vehicles and motorcycles.
AUTO SUPPLY INDUSTRY29.10.03 - Manufacture of motor vehicles’ engines ( including the remaking of engines in factories )
HEALTH AND MEDICAL PRODUCTS28.29.05 - Filling, packing and packaging machinery manufacturing (Machines for filling , closing, sealing, labeling, encapsulation and those used for gasing drinks, etc. )
FOREST PRODUCTS31.09.04 - Manufacture of furniture sets for bedrooms and dining rooms, manufacture of bathroom cabinets, furniture for the rooms of teenagers and children, wardrobes, coat-hangers, and so on. (walk-in closets, desks, nesting tables, and so on included)
MACHINE METAL22.23.04 - Manufacturing of prefabs from plastic
PLASTIC32.30.21 - Ball Manufacture (for baseball, football, basketball and volleyball)
SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS15.20.15 - Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)
CHEMICAL20.41.04 - Manufacture of soap, washing and cleaning preparations (detergents) as well as preparations used as soap (excluding the ones for personal care and scouring powders and creams)
MACHINE METAL25.62.02 - Machine processing of metals (milling, grating, varnishing, grooving, combining, welding, etc.) except laser-cutting metals)
MACHINE METAL28.93.01 - The industrial preparation of food and drinks, machines for the preparation (bread, cookies, pasta, candies, chocolate, sugar, meat, fruits, vegetables, solid fats and oils, etc. industrial machines)
CHEMICAL20.30.13 - Manufacture of other paints, varnishes and related products (color adjusters, printing inks, solvents, thinners)
FOREST PRODUCTS16.23.01 - Manufacture of wooden windows, doors and their cases, thresholds, wooden stairs, stair rails, patios, etc.)
FOOD01.63.02 - Hard-shell shell breakage and cleaning products, and related activities
TEXTILE13.20.21 - Production of tufting fabric with towels, chenille, plush
TEXTILE13.10.15 - Twisting and spinning of artificial and synthetic fibers (except filament yarn and rayon fiber manufacture)
PAPER PRODUCTS17.29.03 - Manufacture of cigarette paper , paper and paperboard bobbins, spools, cops , egg viol and similar papers or props of pulp-paper, paper souvenirs and ornaments
TEXTILE13.30.04 - Other finishing services of textiles and textile products (including finishing, sanforizing, and so on)
TEXTILE13.10.12 - Twisting and spinning of cotton fiber
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