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MACHINE METAL43.29.01 - Maintence and repairment of elevator walking stairways, walking roads, otomatic and slewing door including Insatallation
ELECTRIC, ELECTRONIC, ENERGY35.11.19 - Electric power generation
CHEMICAL22.19.07 - Manufacture of textile fabrics having been rubber coated, impregnated, coated and laminated, whose main component are rubber (except tire cord fabric)
TEXTILE22.22.43 - Manufacturing of plastic bag, trash bag, bag, sack, jug bag, net, packing case, box, safe custody, carboy, bottle, jerrycan, whip, spindle, spool, cap, tap, capsule etc. Packing material production ( inclusive bladder )
PLASTIC22.22.43 - Manufacturing of plastic bag, trash bag, bag, sack, jug bag, net, packing case, box, safe custody, carboy, bottle, jerrycan, whip, spindle, spool, cap, tap, capsule etc. Packing material production ( inclusive bladder )
MACHINE METAL25.11.06 - Manufacture of metal roofs or skeletons for construction and parts of construction (towers, poles, supports, bridges, etc.) (excluding shutters and fire escapes and prefabricated structures)
RECYCLE20.16.01 - Manufacture of polyamides, urea resins, melamine resins in primary forms as well as plastic raw materials
TEXTILE13.96.05 - Manufacture of Textile products and articles for technical uses (including wicks, gas mantles, hose piping, transmission or conveyor belts, bolting cloth and straining cloth)
ELECTRIC, ELECTRONIC, ENERGY26.40.90 - Manufacture of consumer electronics
SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS15.20.17 - Manufacture of plastic or rubber shoes, boots, boots, postal, slippers, and so on. (textiles, excluding orthopedic shoes and ski boots)
TEXTILE13.99.06 - Gimped yarn and strip, chenille yarn, loop wale-yarn production (excluding tires metallised)
PAPER PRODUCTS18.11.01 - Printing services of newspapers, magazines and periodicals (published four or more times per week)
FOOD10.71.02 - Production of bakery products (bread, plain pitta bread, bagel, etc. Except the production of pastry products)
TEXTILE14.39.01 - Manufacture of other wearing apparel (knitwear (knitting) and crochet (hook)) (sweaters, pullovers, cardigans, vests, and so on.)
PLASTIC17.23.07 - Manufacture of paper or paperboard files , portfolio files, folders, etc.
TEXTILE41.20.02 - Construction of buildings for residential purpose (detached dwellings, multiple family residence buildings, the construction of skyscrapers, etc.) (except for the construction of wooden buildings)
BUILDING41.20.02 - Construction of buildings for residential purpose (detached dwellings, multiple family residence buildings, the construction of skyscrapers, etc.) (except for the construction of wooden buildings)
BUILDING16.23.90 - Manufacturing of unclassified construction shredding and carpentering goods ( wooden girder, timber, buttressi cement mould, etc)
FOOD01.47.03 - Poultry egg production
MACHINE METAL25.21.11 - Manufacturing of central heating boilers ( Combi, room heater and other central heating boilers) (excluding steam generators and superheatedwater boilers)
MACHINE METAL25.62.02 - Machine processing of metals (milling, grating, varnishing, grooving, combining, welding, etc.) except laser-cutting metals)
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