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TEXTILE13.96.05 - Manufacture of Textile products and articles for technical uses (including wicks, gas mantles, hose piping, transmission or conveyor belts, bolting cloth and straining cloth)
ELECTRIC, ELECTRONIC, ENERGY26.40.90 - Manufacture of consumer electronics
SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS15.20.17 - Manufacture of plastic or rubber shoes, boots, boots, postal, slippers, and so on. (textiles, excluding orthopedic shoes and ski boots)
TEXTILE13.99.06 - Gimped yarn and strip, chenille yarn, loop wale-yarn production (excluding tires metallised)
ELECTRIC, ELECTRONIC, ENERGY35.11.19 - Electric power generation
PAPER PRODUCTS18.11.01 - Printing services of newspapers, magazines and periodicals (published four or more times per week)
FOOD10.71.02 - Production of bakery products (bread, plain pitta bread, bagel, etc. Except the production of pastry products)
TEXTILE14.39.01 - Manufacture of other wearing apparel (knitwear (knitting) and crochet (hook)) (sweaters, pullovers, cardigans, vests, and so on.)
PLASTIC17.23.07 - Manufacture of paper or paperboard files , portfolio files, folders, etc.
PLASTIC22.22.43 - Manufacturing of plastic bag, trash bag, bag, sack, jug bag, net, packing case, box, safe custody, carboy, bottle, jerrycan, whip, spindle, spool, cap, tap, capsule etc. Packing material production ( inclusive bladder )
TEXTILE41.20.02 - Construction of buildings for residential purpose (detached dwellings, multiple family residence buildings, the construction of skyscrapers, etc.) (except for the construction of wooden buildings)
BUILDING16.23.90 - Manufacturing of unclassified construction shredding and carpentering goods ( wooden girder, timber, buttressi cement mould, etc)
BUILDING43.12.01 - Soil and land preparation, the area to be cleaned with the excavation and earthmoving work (agricultural land preparation, blasting and rock removal, construction, agriculture and so on. Fields, drainage, earthwork, excavation, filling and so on. Works) (
FOOD01.47.03 - Poultry egg production
MACHINE METAL25.21.11 - Manufacturing of central heating boilers ( Combi, room heater and other central heating boilers) (excluding steam generators and superheatedwater boilers)
MACHINE METAL25.62.02 - Machine processing of metals (milling, grating, varnishing, grooving, combining, welding, etc.) except laser-cutting metals)
SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS15.20.15 - Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)
AUTO SUPPLY INDUSTRY45.20.07 - General maintence and repairment services of motorized land vehicles
TEXTILE13.10.12 - Twisting and spinning of cotton fiber
BUILDING41.20.02 - Construction of buildings for residential purpose (detached dwellings, multiple family residence buildings, the construction of skyscrapers, etc.) (except for the construction of wooden buildings)
FOOD10.61.07 - Pre-cooked or otherwise prepared cereal grain production (including wheat, excluding corn)
CHEMICAL20.41.06 - Manufacture of polishes, creams and scouring creams and powders (footwear, furniture, floors, coachwork, glass, metal etc.)
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